Award-Winning Hair Salon in Madison, Wisconsin

Your In-Between Hair Color Options

How many of you are getting your hair coloring services every 8-12 weeks? Do you wish that there was a solution for your hair color in between that would soften the new growth or give you the illusion of always having fresh hair color? There is an answer! You have two options that may in fact be a great fit for you.

First is the GLAZE. A glaze is a semi-permanent (ammonia-free) color that will essentially “stain” your hair color with a tone of your choice. Here are some examples. If you’re a blonde you can probably relate to this. You notice that three to four weeks after your color appointment your hair gets a little brassier. This is due to environmental challenges such as minerals in your water, exposure to sunlight (the ultimate stripping of hair color culprit) and potentially you work under florescent lights. These all expose your underlying hair color pigmentation which are always warm tones. So for you, you may want to consider a glaze that will cool your tonality. If you’re a red head or have deep-rich hair color these same environmental exposures will potentially cause your hair to fade. Adding a glaze every 4-6 weeks will enhance your vibrancy or depth back. What’s even more awesome is our semi-permanent hair color is uber conditioning for your hair! So this means you’re getting a color and a conditioning treatment all for $45 in just 45 minutes! YES!


Second is the “5 Minute Blonde”. This color option is exclusive to all blonde hair colors whether a caramel blonde, a strawberry blonde or a platinum blonde. Here’s the situation, you may have a sombre or ombre hair color technique where you’re purposely coloring your new growth deeper than your ends, but this may not always look appropriate when you’re actual new growth starts to reappear. If you’re like most women, your hair color may be on the ashy side or a couple levels deeper so when it grows back out it just doesn’t fit as beautifully with the color story you’re creating with your style. So this color treatment is going to soften the effects of this in between. We recommend doing this every 4 weeks. For some of our guests, they may do this color service twice in between their traditional color service appointments. And similarly to the glaze this appointment lasts in total just 45 minutes and costs just $45. It’s awesome!
